Protected: Shannon Elf receives Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research award
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Perturbing the gut microbiome with antibiotics during early life leads to a reduction in amyloid plaques in male mice in adulthood — and microglia are a critical component of the effect.
The Biological Sciences Division invests in two new facilities to enable the study of metabolites, molecules produced by cells that can tell us how biological systems respond to genetic differences, disease, or their environment.
New research at the University of Chicago has identified changes in neuronal circuits in the cerebellum that were linked to increased sensory-avoidant behavior in a mouse model of autism.
Minglei Zhao’s team uses cryo-electron microscopy to flash freeze live action in cells and capture the process of ubiquitination.
“Dimensions of Psychological Problems” advocates for a new way of thinking about psychological problems that normalizes them as ordinary aspects of our lives.
Scientists from UChicago and Spain use CRISPR to show how genes that control growth at the end of fish fins play the same role in fingers and toes.
UChicago researchers crack a notoriously difficult problem that could advance the search for treatments for more than 30 neurological diseases.
Dr. Stock was elected as a new member to the Executive Committee of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), the largest professional society dedicated to the causes and treatments of blood disorders.
The David C. Leach Award from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education recognizes residents and fellows who have fostered innovation and improvement in their programs.